PCOM Alumni Association

Alumni from all PCOM programs and locations are automatically members of the PCOM Alumni Association once they graduate. The mission of the Alumni Association is to promote the interest and welfare of PCOM, cultivate communication, and foster relationships among all graduates, students, administration, faculty, and staff of PCOM, and provide a medium for the expression of the sentiment of the alumni. An integral part of the College, the Alumni Association offers scholarships, awards, mentorship, and social events to connect alumni and students.

Alumni Association Board

The Alumni Association is led by an executive committee that includes a President, President-elect, Vice President, Awards Committee Chair, Nominating Committee Chair, College of Osteopathic Medicine Chair, School of Professional and Applied Psychology Chair, School of Health Sciences Chair, School of Pharmacy Chair, Fundraising Chair, and Past President. The Association Board also includes 12 members at large. The Association Board leads several committees that any alumni can participate in if there is space on the committee.

Sign up to Serve on the Alumni Association

Current Board Members

Executive Committee Officers

President: Paul LaPoint, DO '90
Vice President: Shanda Lucas O'Dennis, MS/ODL '09
President-Elect: Michael Becker, DO '87
Past President: William Swallow, DO '79, MS/FM '20
Awards Committee Chair: Ruark Lanham, MS/ODL '07
Nominating Committee Chair: Jessica Masser, DO '07
College of Osteopathic Medicine Chair: Jennifer Dwyer, DO '08
School of Health Sciences Chair: Jennifer Alvarado, MS/FM '08
School of Pharmacy Chair: Angie Amado, PharmD '18
School of Professional and Applied Psychology Chair: Krystal Carter, MS/CCHP '10

Members at Large

Christopher Brown, MS/CCHP '11
Ashara Cashaw, PsyD '13
Jeffrey Clark, PharmD '21
Dipan Desai, DO '02
Elisa Giusto, DO '18
Curtis Grenoble, MS/PA '06
Gretta Gross, DO '97
Bruce Kornberg, DO '78
Jason Milton, DO '14
William Pesce, DO '89
Preston Williams, MS/PA '07

Student Representatives

Emma High (DO '26), PCOM South Georgia
Pratik Rout (DO '26), PCOM Georgia
Joseph Tran (MS/PHMA '24), PCOM

Alumni Association Representative to PCOM Board of Trustees

William Swallow, DO '79, MS/FM '20

PCOM Alumni Partners

  • Liberty Mutual offers auto and home insurance discounts to PCOM Alumni
  • Meyer & Associates